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What We Offer

Traditionally a medicine being was looked upon as family and a nurturer of the community respected and loved.​When visiting one for ailments of the mind body and spirit, the people would bring any currency donation that fit their ability to give and where they are at in life, along with 2-3 yards of fabric that represents the beauty and or intricacies of the prayer they are asking for. ​They also would consider spiritual gifts and or food. A person was never turned away in need. 


Ceremonial Prayers, Blessings and Cleansings

  • Hapé Ceremony or initiation

  • TBR Trauma breath release 

  • NSR (Nervous system release

  • Native American Blessing Way Prayer

  • Bonding Way Prayer Friend/Love/Family

  • Cord cutting  Ceremony- Deep Release

  • Big Medicine Ceremony-meditation ETC.

  • Curandismo Limpias

  • Kambo Jungle cleanse


Suggested Donation -

Sliding scale  please contact for special instructions.

Tarot Card Reading

Tarot cards can spark ideas to find meaning in your life circumstances, and identify solutions. Tarot readings can bring clarity to all your questions on your current path.

Single read in person or remote: Donation Based 30 min Session

Couples Tarot:$50.00 for 30 min Session

Event Tarot Reading: $100.00 per Hour

plus Drive Fee of $20.00 located in Los Angeles County

Contact Us

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I had a wonderful and emotional experience with my cleansing, it was amazing!....I would recommend  this to anyone that wants balance in their life... 

Retreat Participant

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